The concept of e-Poker Leagues for Violet began about
3-1/2 years ago when she first started streaming.
e-Poker League is a fun community event playing On Demand poker games with a monthly leader board where teams of 3 players compete on the felt for top team and individual points…almost like a “real” sports team!
Due to recent requests, we are offering a European e-Poker League (1pm EST) and North American e-Poker League (8pm EST) each Thursday night.
We play 3 games with start times approximately 20 minutes apart.
- Players must play in a minimum of 2 out of the 3 games played.
- Players can ONLY fire ONE entry into the game. More than one bullet and the score becomes zero for that game.
- Players must join the on demand game when Violet calls players to the felt.
- Players must be a member of Violet’s Discord to claim any prizes.
NEW to e-Poker: You can sign up to join the next e-Poker League session by completing the form at the bottom.
RETURNING to e-Poker: Not all players will want to participate from one month to the next month, so you must sign up for each following month to continue participation.
All individual players that sign up will be placed on a wheel spin and randomly assigned to a team.
If you have 3 players that want to be on the same team, please indicate that in the form when signing up.
Unfortunately, the answer is no.
You will need to wait until the new season begins to be assigned a team. Each season is only 4 games long (one month) so there isn’t much wait time for the next one to begin.
Violet’s community just completed a month of BETA games to test out scoring and plausible playing. As a community built project many things were tried and changed.
First thing discussed and resolved was a time devotion situation. It came to a consensus that playing these are best held for only one night per week vs the 2 nights that were being attempted.
Second major issue was how to handle scoring. Variations of scoring senerios were evaluated…
using a mulitplier
removing lowest score each day
removing lowest day each month
using no multiplier, etc.
The Decision: Each month, the total number of players participating will be the base for points. We will use the best 2 of 3 scores for the day.
There were 3 late joiners of the league during BETA so these scores had a base of 12. [ First = 12 pts | Last = 1 pt ]

Next e-Poker League begins December 8 and we are forming teams NOW! Sign up below, join Violet’s Discord, and tune into Twitch for final team picks on Thursday, December 8 at 7p ET!