Below are the list of players that have played in the Violet Mystery KO Invitational during DECEMBER and made a Final Table to qualify for the Monthly Knock Out Invitational!

CidWitt85 Gavin255 Normino reignoffire
cruisinman Goomlah Nunyabizzzzz silkyj2000
cubs1321 JACEsIM outlaw68011 SlackerStar
damnthtsweet KingCoCo PACE02448 thevioletmystery
DankHugh kurtaseflush Paco777 TheWord
DiaClaro lali24 Pimpin23 TXDRAWL
egegey1 Mr_Mims_Sayz PocketPool13 YazbIk
FatalWedgie MTHummer111 pokerrule19 YuriVolkov
fifthcarloss NibbleMeTimber Ramzey23  


  • $3.30 Freezeout
  • $150 added prize money
  • Custom Poker Chip
  • Koozie

Come to stream on JANUARY 8 and ask a mod for the password to play the game!
Game time at 8p ET!!